Social issue of Pakistan

Pakistan is a developing state which is going through various problems and issues. These issues are from various origins having long lasting impact on the stability of the economy and the goodwill of country. The problems are being divided in to several heads amongst which one of the very important head is the Social problems of Pakistan.

Social issue of Pakistan and their Solutions Education which is considered as the cheapest way of defense is not being promoted in our country which has made the literacy rate of our country decline to a major extent. The people will not have the education so they will not be able to put any impact on the country. The literacy rate of Pakistan is 49.9% which makes them fall on the rating of 136th in the world that shows that the world's 6th largest populated country is being kept away form education. According to a survey the primary education completing rate in Pakistan is 33.8% in females and 47.18% in males. The solution to this problem is that the education at least till the secondary part should be made compulsory and free for the students so that they can get full advantage form this blessing.

Education is very important for every human being. It makes one able to understand what is happening around us logically and clearly. Only educated person has the ability to take practical decisions and make right moves at the right time. Human existence without education is just like fecund land. Education not only enables individuals to put their potential to best use and do something productive in the upcoming future, but also plays a main role in shaping an individual to be a better, responsible citizen and an active member of the society. An educated person with self-confidence and precise moves knows how to transform the world. Education provides the ladder for achieving success in life and enables us to utilize skills and caliber in a constructive way. Therefore, it’s the prime responsibility of an individual to get educated and live a prosperous life while being a responsible citizen.
